Skincare & Waxing
The following conditions may prevent or restrict you from receiving skincare or waxing services at The Brow Therapist Cincy.
Please note that while this list covers many contraindications, there may be others not listed below that would also prevent you from receiving services, and we reserve the right to determine what constitutes a contraindication. Schedule a skincare Consultation if you have any questions or concerns.
Contraindications that PREVENT a facial treatment: Viruses such as colds, cold sores, warts, Bacterial infections such as impetigo, boils, conjunctivitis, styes, Fungal infections such as ringworm, blepharitis, Undiagnosed lumps or swelling, Broken bones, known sensitivity or allergy to products. Eczema, psoriasis, cold sores, fresh bruising, open sores, bleeding, tooth abscess, broken jaw or other facial bone, facial cancer, head lice, recently consumed alcohol, under the influence of drugs, unstable blood pressure, recent head injury, recent neck injury, fever, contagious disease, recent hemmhorage, recent scarring, severe acne
Contraindications that could RESTRICT a facial treatment: The following conditions are contraindications that will not necessarily stop the treatment from taking place but they may mean that the treatment is restricted or may have to be adapted:
Cuts/abrasions/broken skin,Bruises or swelling, Recent scar tissue (less than six months old), Eczema, Dermatitis, Psoriasis, Acne vulgaris, Acne rosacea, Skin tags, Milia, Recent sunburn, Current medication that may affect treatment needs to be disclosed, Claustrophobia,Broken capillaries/veins.
Immediate aftercare: The skin has been deep cleansed, stimulated and nourished. No aftercare is needed except to leave it alone. Avoid picking, squeezing pimples or touching the area. Do not apply make-up for at least 8 hours if possible, Avoid any further overstimulation and heat treatments for at least 12 hours, Avoid highly perfumed products, No depilation (hair removal) should take place after a facial, If any rash, irritation or itching occurs just apply a cool flannel to the area. Long-term and home care advice: Regular use of home care products will help the skin, Regular facials will help to regulate problem skin.
Waxing contraindications: Waxing is a method of semi-permanent hair removal which removes the hair by the root. New hairs will not grow back in the previously waxed area for two to eight weeks. Almost any area of the body can be waxed, including eyebrows, face, bikini area, legs, arms, back, abdomen and feet. There are many types of waxing suitable for removing unwanted hair. Wax applies at just the right temperature and thickness for perfect results every time. Wax is applied thinly over the skin using the wax cartridge. A cloth or paper strip is then pressed on the top and ripped off with a quick movement against the direction of hair growth. This removes the wax along with the hair. It will feel like a plaster being pulled off quickly. Pain tolerance will depend on each individual client. However if you know you don’t tolerate pain easily then take a couple of pain relief tablets (that you have used before and have had no reaction to previously) about an hour prior to treatment and this should reduce the pain somewhat.
Contra-indications that PREVENT waxing: Contagious skin condition – wait for the condition to clear before waxing,Thin or fragile skin – can cause bruising and tearing of the skin which may lead to infection,Use of steroid medication – this can cause a thinning of the skin. Waxing should not be done whilst using such medication, and not until 3 months after completing the treatment,Unidentified lumps or swelling,Previous allergic reaction to treatment.
Contra-indications that may RESTRICT waxing: Raised moles and skin tags. Wax should not be applied directly over them, Abrasions, bites, broken skin, bruises – avoid waxing the affected area until healed,Varicose veins – do not wax over the affected area
Immediate aftercare: The waxed area may be red and there may be some blood spots, especially where the hairs are strong, i.e. on the bikini line or underarm. An after wax cream will be applied to help cool the skin, reduce the redness and keep the skin moisturized. Aftercare for a period of 24 hours following treatment :No sunbathing or sunbeds, Avoid bathing in sea or swimming pool,Do not take a hot bath or shower, a cool one is absolutely fine, Do not use deodorant/antiperspirant, Avoid tight clothing, Do not use perfumed products on the area, No make-up or self tanning preparations, Do not keep touching or picking at the area.